The KitNipBox Weekly Cat Roundup: Thanksgiving Cats (Tanksgibbin Catz!?) Edition

The KitNipBox Weekly Cat Roundup: Thanksgiving Cats (Tanksgibbin Catz!?) Edition
If you think the best way to celebrate today is with an overload of Thanksgiving cats, cat jokes, cat memes, and cat treat recipes, then look no further…. We got you covered with this week’s Thanksgiving (… Or “Tanksgibbin”, if you wish to pronounce it properly in cat-speak) Weekly Roundup!
We’re kicking off the roundup by spotlighting kitties who capture the spirit of Turkey Day feastin’! First up, Chantal (@chantal_white_cat), an adorable blonde kitty, allures us with one piercing green eye, while displaying her love of all things pumpkin in this delicious costume:
While Chantal was struttin’ her pumpkin stuff, other cats were celebrating the spirit of turkey day by… Erm… Just tucking their paws under their bellies, as usual… WHILE ALSO LOOKING LIKE TURKEYS.
Take a gander at Exhibit A, courtesy of Oliver (@otabbycat):
Can’t you see how Oliver, who’s just loafing around, can *also* kinda look like a turkey?? If not, Raphaelle D. MiaW (@miawcomic) used her magical photoshop skills to further clarify this remarkable discovery:
Of course, a loafing cat may look like a turkey, but ALWAYS bear in mind that any cat is not, in fact, turkey!! Raphaelle further embellishes this point in her picture’s caption, warning: “My cat looks like a turkey! You may NOT eat him!”
Now that we’re on the topic of nomz… You might wonder what what your cats can eat on Tanksgibbin. Since cats can experience tummy issues (or worse) if they accidentally eat the wrong human food, we strongly advise cat parents to review this list of safe ingredients for cat treats and food. After all, we want all kitties to have happy, full bellies like us humans today!
If you’re thinking of serving up something homemade for your Thanksgiving cats, try your paw at whipping up these tasty pumpkin spice donut holes.
YUM (if you’re a cat)! After eating a few of those treats, your kitty will be meowing with gratitude, which is what today is all about!
So, don’t spend this today worrying about side dishes, family squabbles, or going to the gym tomorrow… Instead, spend it being grateful for all of the precious cat[s] who make your life the most purrfect life in the whole wide unipurrse!
Let this Pusheen illustration remind us of all the reasons why cats are the absolute best:
Purrs. Love. And Happy Tanksgibbin!