What to Expect on a Kitten’s First Day Home

A kitten brings such fun, joy, and spontaneity to your household. Naturally, being a kitten owner is full of surprises, and certainly provides learning opportunities for all. If you’re a first-time cat owner, it can be hard to know what to expect from your new adorable furry friend. Read on to learn some essential tips for your kitten’s first day home and what to expect from your new furry family member.
A kitten’s first day home: the ins and outs of kittenhood
Bonding time
An adorable kitten has just joined your family. Naturally, what better way to welcome them home than with some quality bonding time? Consider a cat nap, some cozy cuddles, or interactive playtime. Without a doubt, there is nothing more unique than the friendship between a kitten and its owner! Taking the time to interact with your kitten is priceless.
Kitten exploration
Kittens are curious and will want to explore. Of course, as kittens grow and develop, they will become more curious. Consider giving them time and space to explore their new home. In addition, consider helping protect your kitten with medical insurance so they’re protected when they’re young.
Listen to your furry friend
Expect your little new furry friend to be vocal in their new home. Naturally, you may hear meows all hours of the day and night. In fact, they just want to communicate with their new family! Consider creating a kitten-friendly space for them to retreat to or a kitten bed in a comfortable spot where they can see you. Further, they want to spend time with you and know you’re nearby.
Litter train your kitten
When introducing your kitten to their new home, make sure you have a litter box available. Also, give them time to familiarize themselves with the area. Naturally, you might find they prefer a certain space, or certain style of litter box, which is absolutely normal. Further, litter training a kitten can take time.
Tip: kitten-proof your home
A little kitten will keep you busy! Take into account kitten-proofing your home prior to picking up the new addition. Consider the following kitten-proofing tips:
- Hide electrical wires
- Remove toxic plants
- Have litter boxes already set up
Also, a cat scratcher and cat tree can help to deter your little furry friend from scratching furniture.
A kitten’s first day home: fun for the entire family
A kitten’s first day home is a new experience for your cat and the entire family. Take the time needed to let your kitten explore and learn their space. Most importantly, have fun with your new best friend! A kitten is a wonderful new addition to any household!
About Trupanion
Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States and Canada. For almost two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet’s recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet owners with the highest value in pet medical insurance with unlimited payouts for the life of their pets. For more information, please visit trupanion.com.
Trupanion is a registered trademark owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Omega General Insurance Company and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company, 6100-4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Please visit AmericanPetInsurance.com to review all available pet health insurance products.